

Salsa Stripe

A line of Leopard Geckos created by Tony Hardy of FunkyGeckos - the `classic` Salsa Stripe being essentially a Reverse Rustic Stripe Emerine; their enduring quality is that they continue to get more colourful with age, even taking into account the rigours of breeding. Line, and selective, breeding of top class Reverse, Lavender, Bold and Red Stripes over many years, combined with an underlying hue of the rustic `Nieves Tangerine` has managed to create a Bold Reverse Striped Emerine Leopard Gecko, with extreme rustic Red Stripes that traverse the whole torso: often coupled with bold head and tail markings. A real mix of red, orange, yellow, brown, black and lavender. Lavender Salsas`, Jungle Salsas` and Banded Salsas - whist having different patterning - also display the same rustic markings and possess the same long standing ability to hold onto their colour well into adulthood and beyond