Leopard Gecko Image Upload

Before uploading your image to ReptileCalculator.com, please make sure your image meets the following criteria:

  • The image size is a minimum of 600 pixels wide and 400 pixles high
  • The image doesn't contain any copyright, watermarks or writting accross the image
  • Try to have minimal bluring
  • Try to get the whole animal in the image
  • You must have an activte website to link to. (Facebook like pages are accepted)
  • Submit only images that are owned by YOU.
  • By submitting your image, you give ReptileCalculator.com permission to us the image.

All images are moderated, images not meeting the criteria will be rejected.

Select Morph


Your Image: 

No image selected

Your Name - (Used for copyright - Either your full name or Breeder Name)

Your Email

Website Address (Must include http://)